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We're grateful to be a part of your child's experience. Thank you to our amazing volunteers who make this all possible.
Reno-Sparks Pop Warner
P.O. Box 19791
Reno, NV 89511
Contact Us

How much does it cost to cheer or play football with Reno-Sparks Pop Warner (RSPW)?
2024 Registration fees are $280 per player for football, with sibling discounts available. Financial Scholarships may be available upon request, will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and are not guaranteed to be granted.
2024 Registration fees for Cheer are $100 (plus $280 uniform fee will apply).
Does Reno-Sparks Pop Warner offer payment plans for registration fees?
Yes. An initial payment must be made up front and the remaining balance must be paid within 3 payment dates set that will be set up by the Treasurer. Payment plan can be set up with credit card or three post dated checks deposited on the dates specified by the Parent. There is no payment plans offered for early bird registration.
What items do I need for registration?
Click here for more info.
What division should my child play football?
There are seven divisions of play in tackle football, all determined by a strict age scale to ensure safe and balanced competition.
What division should my child cheer?
There are seven divisions of cheer, all determined by a strict age matrix to ensure safe and balanced competition.
Are tryouts allowed?
NO TRYOUTS! – Pop Warner programs are not permitted to hold tryouts or cutting of rosters.
Which team will my child be placed?
Each participant will be zoned per their local high school or returning team. We build a relationship and participate with the local high school coaches to ease your athlete's transition to high school football or cheer should they be interested in trying out at the high school level. Request are considered but not guaranteed!
Can I get my cheer and football player on same team? Same practice field?
Please include this information on all registration forms and we will do our best as long as both children fall into the the same division.
How many players will be on my child's football team?
Not more than 35 players shall be certified onto a team roster. A team with less than 16 certifiable players will not be permitted to form and play. A minimum of 16 players must be dressed and eligible to start each game.
When will I know what team my child is placed?
Head Coaches or Business Managers will contact their teams in mid to late July.
What is a Business Manager of a team?
The Business Manager is the liaison between the coaching staff and parents.
What football equipment will be be supplied by Reno-Sparks Pop Warner?
We will supply your athlete with the latest in football protective technologies.
The following is a list of items that your athlete will receive from us and are part of the required equipment:
Practice Pants/pads
Practice Jersey (player will keep at end of season)
Game Pants/belt
Game Jersey (player will keep at end of season)
Shoulder Pads
Helmet and Chin Strap
Mouth guard (player will keep at end of season)
What football equipment will I need to buy?
Parents will be responsible for athletic cups, football cleats, socks and any other specialty equipment you prefer. Additional safety items may be available for purchase from Reno-Sparks Pop Warner.
What cheer equipment will I need to buy?
Cheer uniform and shoes will be included in the cost of your child's registration fee.
Where will practices be held?
Depending on what team your child is placed, practices will be held at local parks and high schools throughout Reno and Sparks.
When do practices begin and how long are they?
Our pre-season practice shall not begin until August 1st (or later). The actual date will be determined in accordance with climate and other factors determined by Sagebrush League in establishing a common starting date for all teams within its league. No team may schedule more than 10 hours of practice per week before Labor Day and practices and not more than 2.5 hours of practice may be scheduled on any one day. Practices after Labor Day are limited to 6 hours per week and not more than 2 hours of practice may be scheduled on any one day. Water breaks will be given as needed. No football player may practice in full pads until they have personally practiced (conditioned) for 10 hours.
What happens if my child misses a practice or all practices during week prior to game?
Contact your Business Manager as soon as you know your child will not be at practice. Depending on the reason for missing practice(s) the Coach will determine if the child is able or eligible to play. If there is an injury involved in the reasons for missing practice, a doctor’s note releasing the child (allowing them to play) may be required.
Will my child get to play the position(s) he wants to?
It is the Coaches decision where to place players, based on player attitude, skill, ability, and safety.
Is there training for the football coaches?
The safety of our athletes is always the top priority and that is why we provide extensive training for all our football coaches. RSPW has a partnership with USA Football and its Heads Up Football program. The goal for all of us is to ensure that all Pop Warner coaches are certified by USA Football to teach proper blocking and tackling techniques in a better and safer way.
All RSPW coaches (head and assistants) must register for USA Football Coach Membership and must complete the USA Football Level 1 Coach Certification Course annually. New coaches take the full USA Football Level 1 Course and previously certified coaches take the Re-certification Quiz. Pop Warner’s number one priority has always been the safety of our participants. Working with USA Football’s Heads Up Football program is the latest step in delivering a safer program to all our Pop Warner players.
Is there training for the cheer coaches?
The safety of our athletes is always the top priority and that is why we provide extensive training for all our cheer & dance coaches. All coaches (head and assistants) must complete the YCADA Cheer Coach training every 2 years. Pop Warner’s number one priority has always been the safety of our participants. Working with Youth Cheer and Dance Alliance is the latest step in delivering a safer program to all our Pop Warner cheer and dance teams.
What teams do Reno-Sparks Pop Warner teams play and where?
All our teams will play their games against other teams with in their division in Sagebrush Pop Warner, which includes other Reno-Sparks teams. Under no circumstances will a team be allowed to play a game against a team of another division. Home games will be played at various locations throughout the Reno-Sparks area.
How long is the season?
Season practice and game schedules will be created by Sagebrush Pop Warner. The Reno-Sparks Pop Warner season will run roughly between August 1st and November 15th, depending on team Regional qualifications.
Does the season continue during the Washoe County School District Fall Break?
Yes. Please plan accordingly.
How much play time will my son get?
We follow the Mandatory Play Rule set in place by the National Pop Warner Program. Click here for more information.
Does Reno-Sparks Pop Warner acknowledge child academic achievement?
Yes. Click here for more information.
Is there more fees to pay in the season for our team?
Maybe. The teams may collect money for the local (Snow Bowl) and regional tournaments pending a team's advancement.
Will there be any fundraising responsibilities for our team?
Yes. Reno-Sparks Pop Warner has association fundraising activities to help offset the cost of operating our association which far exceeds the registration fees we receive per athlete. Our goal is to keep registration fees as low as possible so it is necessary to raise money through fundraising. What monies we raise in our fundraising efforts and from generous donations, help us to subsidize the remaining costs. We ask that each family participate in fundraising. We ask that all coaching staff, parents and board members support the efforts of all fundraising activities that we do. What monies we raise in our fundraising efforts and from generous donations help us to subsidize the remaining costs. As only a portion of the registration fees we charge each athlete will cover the cost of operating our association, we also ask that each team fund raise individually for the league. Our teams rely on the generous support of our caring community. Each team is individually responsible for the following fees: Football teams ~ $1000, Cheer teams ~ $450
Are there team volunteer positions needed and do all parents need to volunteer for their team/s?
Yes. There are several positions that will be required of parents for each team. Games cannot take place unless we have parents to volunteer for some of these various positions. Some of these include: Play Counters-2 per game, Chain Gang-3 per home game. Snack bar volunteers (2-3 times per year—3 volunteers each time), Pop Warner Day—work snack bar or game or set up or break down. Your team's Business Manager will determine a system for filling your team's volunteer positions. Please be prepared to do your part.
Who do I contact I want to get more involved and become a league volunteer for the league?
Any person interested in becoming a league volunteer must complete and submit a volunteer application. Annual background checks will be completed prior to the applicant can assume any volunteer duties. We will not permit any person to participate in any manner whose background check reveals a conviction for, or guilty plea to any crime involving or against a minor. In addition, other charges and convictions may deem an applicant to be unfit to volunteer with us.
Volunteer Application Coming Soon...
Does Reno-Sparks Pop Warner offer refunds?
There are no refunds for registration fees unless due to extenuating circumstances. A written submission request explaining these circumstances is required. The board of directors will then review the request and upon board approval a check will be mailed to the address on the registration form. There will be a $50 processing fee. Absolutely no refunds will be issued after the first scheduled day of board approved practice. No refunds will be issued until all equipment and uniforms have been returned to the association.
Who do I contact if I have an issue with my player's equipment?
Your Head Coach
Who do I contact if my child will miss a practice or game?
Business Manager and Head Coach
Who do I contact if I have an issue with my child's Business Manager?
Head Coach
Who do I contact if I have an issue with one of my child's Coaches?
Head Coach
Who do I contact if I have an issue with my child's Head Coach?
Football Commissioner or Cheer Coordinator
Who do I contact if I have an issue with a Reno-Sparks Pop Warner board member?
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